Friday 28 December 2012

Monopoly Hotels Bug: Players lose all their rooms with no warning!

Every once in a while, I see a comment regarding people having lost all the rooms in their hotels - on this blog's comments, on EA's Monopoly Hotels' Facebook page, in other forums and chats around the web.

This bug has been plaguing users of the Monopoly Hotels game for at least a couple of months now, possibly more. 

In the early days (September? October? of 2012), I saw only a few players complaining that they had lost their rooms or that all the hotels they had already purchased now said "Buy Now" once again.

Because it hadn't happened to me, I basically shrugged and moved on. Pretty much as anyone would, to whom this hasn't happened.

As I got higher and higher in levels of the MH game and nothing happened, I started to assume that those other players had been unlucky, but surely it couldn't happen to me!

And then, Black Friday came along.

Yes, I lost all my rooms, just like all those others.

One minute I was fine.

The next time I opened up the game, poof: no rooms in any of my hotels!

I still had all the cash on hand (more than M$100,000,000 and 500+ gold), plus all my stickers and guest book entries. But no rooms, which meant no RENT! I still was at level 43, just on the cusp of level 44.

And this is where I really lucked out. Having all that cash and gold available made it easier for me to pick up my first 2 Golden Cauldrons before that weeks half-off sale ended (which it ended on a Monday, not a Thursday, at least for the gold-producing rooms).

Then I invested the cash I had to building several Tiny Pilgrim Hats - at M$12,000,000 every 36 hours, my cash reserves continued steady. Yes, of course, I filled all the remaining slots with Thimbles and then (getting impatient at collecting every 45 minutes!!) replaced those Thimbles with Top Hats.

My Golden Cauldrons and Pilgrim rooms kept me interested ... without those rooms, I'd probably have stopped playing, because there was no way I was going to start again from scratch!

So that's my advice. 

Whether you have already lost your rooms once and have rebuilt, or you are one of the lucky ones who've escaped so far ... either way, your hedge against totally having to start from scratch is just like in real life: you need an emergency fund.

I would put aside at least one day's rent collection, preferably 2 days' worth, plus at least a couple of hundred gold if at all possible. If you don't have gold, that's not as big a deal: you can build up some gold just from your trains ... it will be slow, but it's doable.

To me, the cash was the more important aspect: without cash, I would have really had to start from scratch again, with thimbles and wheelbarrows, and had to wait months to get back to a decent daily M$ collection!

So, bottom line: set up your emergency fund today. And, no matter the temptation, don't let yourself dip into that fund!

For me, I'm currently trying to stay at about M$1 billion in emergency funds - never dipping below M$800,000,000. This way, I can always buy a couple of Tiny Pilgrim Hats right away, and then build from there.

Your mileage may vary, but I'd rather be safe than sorry - there are definitely people on EA's Monopoly Hotels FB page complaining that they have lost progress not once, but twice - it seems to just be a question of luck whether or not you hit that nasty bug.

Play safe!

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