Thursday 17 January 2013

A fabulous update: 2 new gold producing rooms: Fishing Pole Room and Chef's Hat Room

Please disregard the details in this post. These rooms are NOT REALLY! gold-producing rooms, since EA has made the "correction" to the payouts - all yields are now M$, not XP.

Yes, indeed, folks! 

We have two new gold-producing rooms.

Not just gold-producing, but MASSIVELY productive rooms.

The Fishing Pole Room is the cheaper of the two, at 400 gold to purchase. It's yield is correspondingly lower: 3,354,167 gold and 120,000XP every 23 hours, in a 3-square room. Which works out to 48,611.12 gold and 1,739.13XP per square, per hour. 

The second room is the Chef's Hat room, which will set you back a mere 550 gold to purchase. This one occupies just two squares and pays out even MORE gold: 2,400,000 gold and 599,528XP every 18 hours, for an average of 66,666.67 gold and 16,653.56XP per square, per hour.

Either way, you can't lose. Both these rooms pay out like gang-busters. (Is that the correct phrase? Dunno.)

Pick up one or more of these ASAP, is my advice. Seeing how EA has been making gold harder and harder to get recently, I'd suspect that either these payouts are incorrect (and will be corrected soon), or, even more likely, these rooms will also become "Limited Time" really soon and will then disappear.

Oh, and there is another sale on:

This, of course, refers to the gold packs you can buy if you wish to advance in the game faster.

My advice? If you really do want to spend your hard-earned cash on this game, this may be a good time to do it: grab enough gold to pick up at least one of the new rooms if you don't already have enough saved up!

Update, a few hours after the release: The rooms no longer pay out gold, only M$. So save your money, please don't spend real cash to purchase these rooms! Read all about it here.


  1. We should take bets as to when these rooms will be corrected! They have to be a mistake. That said, I blew all my gold on buying / building / painting the Fishing Pole room so that it will be ready in 23 hours from now. As someone mentioned on another board, it is likely just a graphics error and the app is coded for the correct payout, but we can always hope otherwise. Also, note that the frame of the room in your screen cap is Gold, just as other gold producing rooms were.

    1. I'm with you - almost. Given that they haven't corrected the rooms yet (several hours after release now), I'm definitely leaning more towards the "going, going, gone" theory - these rooms are doomed to disappear in a week or two, would be my guess.

      I've bought a Fishing Pole room and will soon (within the next few hours?) have enough to buy the Chef's Hat ... don't have enough gold to accelerate the build/paint cycle, though.

      Fingers crossed ...

    2. I felt it must have been an error also - since the payouts just looked like the would make more sense with a "M$" attached - but then I noticed the gold borders as well, so I decided to throw caution into the wind and pick up the Fishing Rod room. Here's hoping that even if they do get corrected, they still yield a nice gold payout (I mean, it would be nice if I could have at least one gold-producing room with an output of more than 1 per day!)

    3. Seems as the error is alreay corrected. Now the rooms are only paying our cash... no gold :(

      I also bought both rooms while they still mentioned payout in gold. Now I wonder if my payout will ne in cash or gold... Really hope I dident waste all my gold reserves on those 2 rooms.

    4. Damn. That sucks. I just noticed the update ... oh, well. There goes 950 gold I could have used for other rooms - like maybe a couple new Harvest Pumpkins, or even maybe a Flute when it goes on sale.

      Bait and switch is what this feels like. False advertising and all that ...

      I'm sorry both of you (and me, and presumably hundreds of others) spent our hard-earned gold on these rooms!


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