Thursday 10 January 2013

Update Part 4: New Dark Blue Properties Sticker

Yay! A new sticker, and one that pays out gold ... 

Collect both the dark blue properties and you'll earn yourself a nice little 100-gold bonus.

If you're like me, you've already picked up Boardwalk when it debuted at M$5,000,000 ... as expected, it has now sky-rocketed to M$500,000,000, making it very, very hard to purchase unless you really stocked up on high-producing rooms like Mayan Calendar or Big Ben or Giant Snowflake or Winter Scarf ...

 There you go. An easy 100 gold!


  1. Dear all,

    A cautionary tale to those who would waste time or money on any of EA's online games/Apps; especially EA's Monopoly Hotels:

    Having purchased EA's Monopoly Hotels in ~April 2011 for my iPhone 4S, I invested 8 months of my time and - to my astonishment - £149.88 through incremental in game-purchases, progressing to level 47. I hope even the most avid supporters of the game are thus convinced by my credentials. My advice : do not invest your time or money in this game - the customer support is nowhere near the standard required. Upon first encountering a problem, whereby all my in-game progress was deleted as a consequence of a weekly in-game update, I contacted EA's customer service and informed them of them of the problem I was encountering with their game. After allaying their boilerplate response that in no way has my platform, device or firmware changed, and logging in-and-out of my Origin account (to no effect) their subsequent response was "please be assured that your concern is our priority." I cannot stress strongly enough that since this seemingly automated response 1 month ago, I've seen no desire from EA to resolve this inherent issue with Monopoly Hotels despite several emails on my part highlighting both my dissatisfaction and that I would not waive my customer rights, given that I considered the effective deletion of my in-game progress a failure of EA to honour the services or ‘in-game purchases' I made throughout my time playing this game. I shall keep you updated on the quality of their customer service but in the meantime please do not continue to invest your time or money in an unstable App that refuses to honour your purchases.



    1. Miles, sorry to hear you were also bitten by the bug. I hear that even though EA drags their heels (they do - I've not got back my rooms yet, either, and I lost them the day after American Thanksgiving!), iTunes *will* refund your money if you explain to them what happened. So you may at least be able to recover your money.

      I would say this game is now a "play at your own risk" - hoping that players do understand the risk. I have to admit that every single time I open up the game, I cringe with fear that I may no longer have all the rooms I had the very last time I played.

      The challenge is that this is a game that has the potential to be very, very addictive, as both you and I have found. Despite losing all my rooms more than 5 weeks ago now, I'm still just as hooked - but mainly because I did have a buffer of cash and gold to let me renew progress without too much delay.

      Players, be warned. The bug has *not* yet been fixed - I see new reports every day of people losing all their in-game progress except for the M$ and gold they had not yet spent. Keep a buffer, if at all possible!


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