Thursday 24 January 2013

Delayed update this week? Or no update at all?

It's almost half past seven in the evening now, on a Thursday, too, which is EA's usual day to release an update to the Monopoly Hotels game.

As yet, no update.

My Guest Rooms list still has the Fishing Pole and the Chef's Hat listed as "New Item". Nothing new in the sticker book, Decorations or Attractions, either.

And no new rooms in the Museum, Aquarium or Zoo.

I guess that covers all the bases? Oh, wait. 


No sale on anything, either.

No new trains or any other way to earn gold.


Maybe EA is no longer updating the game? Maybe this was the grand finale?


I'm cynical enough to believe there will be weekly updates for a good long time yet, at least another 12 months. There's got to be some kind of "get profitable or else" deadline, but that is presumably a bit longer than the less-than-one-year that this game has existed.

So, either EA have finally learned from their mistakes and have decided to take a little extra time to really run the latest release through some quality assurance testing, or else they are just running late and will do an update tomorrow. After all, it's not unheard of for them to do a Friday update.

Oh, well.

I'll just go glare at the Fishing Pole and Chef's Hat that are taking up space in my hotels ...

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