Thursday 10 January 2013

Update Part 3: 30% off rooms you buy with gold

Well ... here's the carrot, the temptation for this week.

All rooms you buy with gold are 30% off. 


Not all rooms you buy with gold. Only the M$-producing ones. 

The gold-producing rooms, as I mentioned in my other post, are not only NOT on sale, they are all now "Limited Time"!

I notice that the Giant Snowflake and the Ice Skates, previously marked "Limited Time", are now apparently going to stick around. Big whoop.

The Attractions you buy with gold are also 30% off, but not the Decorations.

Will you buy any of those gold rooms with your hard-earned gold? 

I'd suggest, instead, that you spend your gold on gold-producing rooms, even at full-price, because obviously EA isn't going to let such gold bonanzas stick around too long.

Oops. Looks like I mis-spoke. It's not ALL rooms you buy with gold. Only all million-plus-producing rooms you buy with gold. As you can see, there are MANY rooms that have NOT gone on sale: 


Oh, well. Whatever. 

I shall rephrase my grand announcement.

SOME rooms you buy with gold are 30% off this week! :)

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