Tuesday 11 September 2012

My Favourite Rooms

I started out, as everyone does, with just the Horse room, moving along soon to pick up a couple of WheelBarrow rooms, and so on through the point where I was filling my original hotel or two with Thimble rooms. Thimble rooms were boring, but they paid more cash than the other rooms I could afford at the time, so I was happy with them.

Then I discovered that it was annoying to feel like I had to keep checking my hotels every 45 minutes to see if there was any rent to be collected. And I noticed that Top Hat rooms paid out a LOT more cash, plus only paid out at 6 hour intervals.

Graduated to filling my hotels with Top Hat rooms, which also paid out enough for me to buy several more hotels.

Along the way, I discovered the Sweet Apple room, which doesn't pay much in terms of M$, but does give you a boost of 200,000 experience points every 2 days and 21 hours. So I made sure to put one of these in each hotel I own (11 hotels now, I believe). This helps me graduate to higher levels a little quicker ... especially the levels above 30, where the difference between levels seems almost to double each time you cross a level.

I also noticed the Dragon Breath room, which pays out M$31,250 every 3 hours *and* gives you a decent boost of almost 8,000 experience points at each payout (much more than the Top Hat rooms that only give you 30 experience points per payout.

And then there is the Golden Oaks room, which pays out M$6,125 and 1,374 experience points every 6 hours. Yes, it takes up 4 squares (the equivalent of 4 Top Hat rooms), but I realised that 4 Top Hat rooms would only pay M$3,000 and 120 experience points every 6 hours - so it was a no-brainer to rate Golden Oaks rooms higher than Top Hat rooms.

Of course, I would have filled my hotels with Sweet Apple, Dragon Breath and Golden Oak rooms, except for the minor detail that they are both specialty rooms and so you are only allowed one of each per hotel.

So this is what my hotels all looked like for a few days: mostly Top Hat rooms, with one each of Sweet Apple, Dragon Breath and Golden Oaks rooms. Sweet Apple is the one with the walking pony, Golden Oaks is the large 4x4 square with the lounging pony, and Dragon Breath is the one with the dragon, of course.
And then I discovered Key Rooms. They pay out M$10,000 and 625 points every 3 hours. So I started filling my hotels with those, or at least replacing my Top Hat rooms with Key rooms ... the key rooms don't pay out enough experience points to displace my Golden Oaks rooms yet, so I decided to focus on replacing just the Top Hat rooms with Key rooms.

Then, wonder of wonders, I discovered there were even MORE enticing rooms.

Namely, the Camp Site room, paying out M$100,625 and 24,605 experience points every 21 hours. Okay, it's a much slower payout, but it means I don't have to check Monopoly Hotels quite as frequently during the day. So I have been stocking up ... instead of Key rooms, I am slowly replacing all my Top Hat rooms with the Camp Site rooms.

And I've often mentioned how slow it is to collect gold ... so have been hoarding the little gold I've earned from floating Community Chest cards, and finally managed to pick up a Neanderthal room in Ventnor Museum: this room is a beauty, paying out M$312,500 and 77,968 experience points every 6 hours.

True, Volcano rooms in the Ventnor Museum have a better experience points payout, but they cost 750 gold bars normally (or 375 at 50% off), so I figured it was easier to concentrate on the Neanderthal rooms first.

What I really would love?? Ideally a Flute room ... but even at 50% off, it's WAY out of my range: I only have about 40 gold bars right now, and a Flute room costs 1998 gold bars normally, 999 at half off. So that's a dream for later.

For now, I am focusing on making enough Camp Site rooms so that I can soon afford my first Violin rooms, and then eventually graduate to Microphone rooms at a sweet M$7,500,000 and 210,000 experience points every 36 hours.

Oh, and there is a rumour (unsubstantiated as yet, only ONE sighting so far) that building all 4 of the new fairy tale rooms (Magic Beans, Pillow, Basket and Fairy Wand) below unlocks a Golden Goose room ... I'm waiting to hear if it's true, but, as you can see below, the Pillow Room and the Basket Room aren't cheap. Even at half price, it requires almost 500 gold bars to collect both of these, so I think I'll be waiting a while ...

But there you go - these are a few of MY favourite rooms!

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