Saturday 29 September 2012

New gold-producing rooms: Golden Treasure room, Gold Mine Cart room and Golden Cauldron Room

That was probably the big announcement from EA this week: the All-New Gold Producing Rooms.
Now that the Golden Goose Room (a.k.a., the Golden Egg Room) is history, they've actually been rather smart about replacing it with even more enticing gold-producing rooms.
The advertisement above refers to a room that I had to actually hunt for: The Golden Treasure Room in the Aquarium. It looks rather tempting.

The cost? 782 gold bars, for a yield of 4 gold bars and 100,000 experience points every 10 hours. I'd say the Aquarium was badly in need of something like this ... most of the other rooms in the Aquarium have been pretty uninspiring.

There are two other brand new gold producing rooms, and those are available in the normal hotels: The Golden Mine Cart Room and the Golden Cauldron Room. (I guess any room whose name starts with "Golden" is going to be a gold-producing room?)

The Golden Mine Cart Room costs 52 gold bars and pays out 1 gold bar every 2 days, 21 hours. Not a very exciting yield for a room that takes up 4 squares in a hotel. However, it's probably your easiest-to-buy "Golden" room, given that it only costs 52 gold bars. 

The final new room is the Golden Cauldron Room, and it costs a mini-fortune: 2,000 gold bars. It does have a nice payout, though: 10 gold bars and 250,000 experience points every 7 hours. BUT. It occupies 6 squares in your hotel ...
Of course, the high yield means that it will probably pay for itself quicker than most of the other gold-producing rooms: If you manage to collect rent 3 times a day, every day will give you 30 gold bars ... so it would only take you 66.67 days to earn back the 2,000 gold bars you spent on it, and the rest of the weeks, months, and years of rent you collect will be pure gravy.
This leaves us with a total of 4 gold-producing rooms, 3 that you can buy with gold bars, and one (the Midas room, a.k.a. the Golden Touch room) that you can save up a huge sum of M$ for.

I'll analyse these "Golden" rooms in more detail in another post, but at first glance, I'm tempted to say that the Golden Cauldron room sounds the most exciting of the lot ... or maybe it's the Golden Treasure room in the Aquarium.
Keep in mind that I have not purchased any of these rooms, so I cannot even confirm if you can put more than one of them in the same hotel or in the Aquarium, and I find that does make a difference in how attractive a room is to me. If it's a one-off, then I find I don't lust after it quite as much as if I have the mouth-watering potential of filling a hotel with them ... yes, I'm weird that way.


  1. Just come across your blog. Wow - you're breaking this game down! Fun to see! I'm at level 36.

    1. Glad you're enjoying the blog - I'm just trying to make sense of the rooms ... they all sound appealing at first glance!

  2. All gold producing rooms are being discontinued, after first significantly jacking-up the prices. Another fine decision by EA in the how to annoy our customers department.


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