Thursday 17 January 2013

Typical Bait and Switch tactics - Fishing Pole Room and Chef's Hat Room now pay M$

Remember these rooms? That just a few hours ago promised to pay out in huge, lovely pots of gold?

Remember how you felt absolutely sure EA was going to switch the payouts AFTER people have purchased the rooms?


You were absolutely correct.

Despite strong suspicions that these rooms would be corrected to pay out M$, I still bought one of each. Now I am just glad that I didn't pay extra gold to have them finish early! 

So there you have it folks - more bait-n-switch tactics from our friends at EA.

You may be inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt ... maybe it was a typo. 

If that's the case, though, they really need to fire their entire QA team and hire someone who can actually pay attention for about 10 seconds before they make each release. 

For crying out loud, it really isn't that hard to make sure room payouts are correct before you launch a room into the wild, is it?

Or maybe I am not being cynical enough. Maybe it was the marketing team trying to entice players to purchase gold (remember, it's now "on sale"???) to buy a few of these rooms? Or is that me being too cynical?

The rooms as they stand now are no longer something you should purchase - it seems like a lot of your hard-earned gold to pay, just to get yet another M$-producing room - and that, too, rooms whose payouts in M$ aren't at all eye-popping! 

Save up and pay the 450 gold for a Harvest Pumpkin instead ... it pays less XP, but you at least get a whopping M$24,000,000 every 36 hours!

The only saving grace is that the Chef's Hat room still pays a nice XP yield every 18 hours, so I think I'll keep the one I purchased, but I certainly won't be buying any more of either of these rooms!

Do you believe the rooms we've already purchased will pay out in gold? No? Me, neither!

I would not be at all surprised if EA loses a few players after this exciting move. But then, as I've mentioned before, this is an addictive game, and these weekly stupidities seem to be as much part of the pulse of the game as anything else ...


  1. A lot of people knew EA was going to try and correct their mistake but that didn't stop us from trying to get even with them. I currently have my iphone on with the app up just waiting until tomorrow. Will let you know if I get the payout in gold, but as of right now the room still has that nice shiny gold border. Haha, it's risky business though, if someone calls and the app minimizes then it's game over... >_>

    1. I hope you get your gold payout - I guess the smart thing would have been NOT to exit the game until we get at least one gold payout! Too bad I did exit. :) Good luck!

    2. I somehow managed to avoid getting a call for the past 18 hours so I got my gold payout of 2.4m. My fiance wasn't so lucky though, her mom called with only 2 hours left... so it minimized her app. Now I wish I didn't get it... MH gold vs. angry fiance... haha.

    3. [IMG][/IMG]

    4. Well, now we know that these lucky payouts do happen! :) Congratulations on your windfall!

  2. Grrr...knew it was going to happen, but I thought the rooms would still at least have a gold payout. Honest mistake or not, this is borderline false advertisement - I mean, I'm sure there are some people out there who paid real money for some gold so they could snap up one of these rooms, only to find out later that their payouts have been switched to something even lower than similar rooms that you can purchase for M$ (The Circus Cannon room comes to mind). EA really needs to address this issue. *SIGH* At least I only bought one of the rooms - although it's gonna take me about three weeks to make back that gold I wasted on it again. Grr...

    1. Oh, MAN! That sucks! Really. Did you already exit the game and have it update? If not, leave it open and hopefully you will get at least one payout before the game needs to be restarted?

      I will definitely be getting an M$ payout, because my game updated when I went back in after exiting it. I am only happy that I didn't have a huge stash of gold to blow on those rooms and then feel disappointed after!

      I have to admit that EA's tactics really are leaving me with a very sour feeling about this game.

  3. I also haven't logged out, but am not optimistic. Likely just a graphics issue, and it was coded for M$ all along. But, only about 8 hours to go. Really, what a waste of gold for many.

    1. Hope you got your payout too, like Kirra did, above ...

  4. Yes, I did, crazy! My kids are so excited to spend it!!

    1. Congratulations! Now you don't have to worry about earning any gold!

      I wonder, just like when I got the Mayan Calendars ... will the game continue to be interesting? I mean, you can now buy just about any gold room, and you have steady M$ coming in from your Giant Snowflakes ... what's left to achieve?

  5. You are right, the game is basically over as we know it. I have completed every sticker I could (cannot get Friday Night Boogie) and unlocked every character that is now available. Now, it's a matter of how I want to fill my hotels. Maybe have one of each character around? Not sure, but like you said, I was already beginning to question the point of the game a while ago, when they started only introducing great new rooms purchased with gold. Recall that the last good M$ room was the Turkey room around 2 months ago! What are people supposed to spend their heaps of M$ on (from Mayan Calendar, Pilot's Luggage, etc)? Especially now that the Midas Touch is gone. EA needs to unveil "super" rooms like Billion M$ rooms, otherwise the veteran players will become really bored really fast.


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