Thursday 10 January 2013

While we wait ... Cricket Bat room and Soccer Ball Room

Today is Thursday, which means there is most probably an update in the offing.

Which reminds me that I haven't mentioned last week's updates, or perhaps that should be categorized as the New Year updates.

There wasn't much to crow about with that one ... the Mayan Calendar room and the holiday decorations all disappeared, the Hourglass room and the Ice Skates room both got marked Limited Time. The Winter Scarf and Giant Snowflake rooms (and all the other gold rooms) went back to full price.

An unexpected change was that the Big Ben attraction now pays out 10 times what it used to - now paying the same as the short-lived Mayan Calendar. But it's not as great a bargain: it costs the same as Mayan Calendar, but takes up 8 squares instead of 4 effectively cutting it's per-square yield in half compared to the Mayan Calendar. Still, if you're short on M$-producing rooms, it'd be smart to grab this attraction.

And of course, we got two new rooms: the Cricket Bat room and the Soccer Ball room.

That was it.

And now I will continue to wait to see what today's update brings ...

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