Thursday 10 January 2013

Today's Update: All Gold-Producing rooms now Limited Time!

I had the sinking suspicion that this was coming ... and here it is.

EA has recently moved back to stingy-gold attitude, taking away the trains you could buy, hiking the price on the gold-producing rooms, severely reducing the number of community chest cards that give gold ...

And here we have the final blow: all gold-producing rooms are now Limited Time only.

Which means, buy them this week or weep. 

No guarantees that they will stay around for the entire week, of course - sometimes we have updates as early as Monday of the week following an update.

So ... I would buy whatever gold-producing rooms you can afford ASAP.

It truly does not help that today's update has 30% off rooms you buy with gold - but that doesn't apply to the gold producing rooms, which are still full price.

Wail. Weep. Deal with it. I guess we have no options.

I'm not sure where EA is going with this - from "liking" the game to "unliking" it is a pretty small step ... and boredom is right around the corner - who's got the time to sit around collecting gold in dribs and drabs to buy hugely expensive rooms?


  1. This update really sucks. I was feverishly saving up to buy another Golden Cauldron, but that won't happen now. I have just over 1100 Gold, do you think I should buy a Golden Treasure at 1100 Gold? It pays 4 gold every 10 hours so assuming I collect twice per day, it will take me 4.5-5 months to earn back all that Gold. I have one GC and about 40 or so Midas rooms so I am lucky to be pulling in 70-75 Gold per day. I think my strategy will be to continue saving in case they bring GC back at some point as a "limited time" promo, or some other gold producing room. I don't feel the GT room is worth 1100 Gold. Your opinion?
    Also, I hope they will release a great room we can buy with M$ soon! The last one was the Turkey room back in Nov.

    1. Yeah, me, too. I am really glad I followed your advice and started stocking up on the Midas rooms - I'm up to about 27 or so of them ... I think I'll be able to get at least another ten (buy only, not build/paint) by the end of the "Limited Time", assuming it lasts until next Thursday.

      I don't know ... I'd be *very* tempted to splurge and buy the Golden Treasure if that's all you can save up by the time the rooms disappear. Thing is, I don't know if D-Day is Monday or Wednesday or Thursday. What if you wait for Tuesday and the rooms are gone? But then, what if you buy on Monday and by Wednesday you'd have had enough for the next Golden Cauldron?

      It's tricky.

      Save up as much as you can between now and Monday and then make the choice ... I'm thinking/hoping the rooms will stick around until Thursday, but certainly can't promise. Nor is it absolutely certain that "Limited Time" will run out on Thursday - may last another week (but I doubt it!)

      Both GT and GC produce almost the same output if you compare the output per square per hour - so GT is significantly more expensive for what you get. :) BUT ... we have no guarantees that the gold producing rooms will re-appear ...

      BIG dilemma. I'm looking at saving as much as I can as fast as I can for as many gold-producing rooms as possible by Monday. Won't log out of the game Monday until I know for sure there isn't an upgrade ... that way, if there is an upgrade, I will buy the best room I can afford at that point, otherwise keep saving till Wednesday/Thursday.


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