Friday 7 December 2012

No update yesterday ... expect one today.

EA posted a note on their Monopoly Hotels FB page to say that they were delaying the update until today. No particular reason was given.

I have to say, Electronic Arts has an excellent marketing division: they've actually got me looking forward to the update now, wondering what on earth they have up their sleeve!

I suspect we may be in for updates on Friday for the rest of this month. After all, the final week and a half of December is what we in North America fondly call "the holidays" ... no one in the software industry wants to work during those ten or so days between the 23rd and New Year.

My guess? Friday updates for this week and next week and possibly even the week after. And whatever promotion goes up the week ending December 22nd, it will likely be a longer promotion, lasting at least into New Year's day, possibly into the Wednesday or Thursday of that first week of 2013.



Where did 2012 go? Seems like just yesterday everyone around me was saying Happy New Year!

Oh, well. At least the past several months have been pleasantly occupied playing Monopoly Hotels! :)

I'm off to twiddle my thumbs (errr, to work) while I wait for the update!

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