Tuesday 18 December 2012

12 Days of Christmas: Day 6 update: New Holiday Gift #1 Sticker

Day 6 of Monopoly Hotels' 12-days-of-Christmas turns out to be a true goody: it's a new sticker, labeled simply "Holiday Gift #1". It's not at the bottom of the list of stickers in my Sticker Book, though: it appears before the Winter Wonderland sticker.

(And yes, I've played the game a little obsessively yesterday ... I already have my 20 gold for catching The Man in the Red Suit 15 times ... hey, gold is gold!)

Anyway, back to today's goody.

It's an extremely easy sticker. All you have to do is click on the Start Collection button ... and voila, you earn the sticker!


Yep. It's really that simple - you now have an extra 50 gold!

And your new sticker is complete!

And wait, before you forget: you also get an additional gold for posting the completion of your sticker to Facebook! That's a total of 51 gold for a few clicks!

This is definitely one of the more yummy goodies so far ... and the fact that the sticker is labeled "Holiday Gift #1" kinda makes me speculate (there's that dreaded word again!) that we may be in for a few more unexpected but very welcome gifts during this 12-days-of-Christmas countdown!

What are you going to do with your free 51 gold? (72, if, like me, you've already collected your Man in the Red Suit sticker as well).

I put mine towards yet another Harvest Pumpkin ... I'm really eating through my cash and gold reserves right now, I should slow down ... 

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