Wednesday 26 December 2012

What to Buy: Mayan Calendar versus Golden Cauldron

Yes, I know. 

I usually compare apples to apples, oranges to oranges.

Or, in the case of Monopoly Hotels, rooms that produce gold to rooms that produce gold. And rooms that produce M$ to rooms that produce M$.

But in this particular case, I'm really torn between two rooms. One, the Mayan Calendar, that you buy with gold, and produces M$. The other, the Golden Cauldron, you buy with gold and it produces gold.

Here is the thing. Typically, the strategy in this game is to ultimately enhance your M$-producing ability. Really, all the chasing after gold that we do is simply because the best M$ producing rooms are purchased with gold.

Which creates my dilemma.

The Golden Cauldron produces just 10 gold every 7 hours.

The Mayan Calendar produces M$791,666,667 every 38 hours.

At first glance, you'd still go "Huh?", because this really looks like comparing apples to oranges.

But you see, as I said earlier, my ultimate aim is to increase the daily rent collection of M$. Why? Hmm. To buy more rooms that would give me more M$ ... er, that sounds a little silly.

But here is the bottom line.

I already have one Mayan Calendar.


Virginia Avenue is now my highest producing hotel, simply by virtue of having this room in it.

It will produce more than three-quarters of a billion M$ every other day.

Which means, I can buy just about any M$ room that I wish for the foreseeable future. (Of course, EA will come up with rooms that will quickly make nonsense of M$791 million every 38 hours, but that's a different story).

So buying another Mayan Calendar really won't do me much good - it will mean that I average M$791 million every day instead of every two days.

Which means, in turn, that I really, really won't have much incentive to play the game any more - anything I want, I can buy at that point.

On the other hand, I already have five Golden Cauldrons: two in Mediterranean and another three in Pennsylvania.


If I keep buying more Golden Cauldrons, I will wind up in pretty much the same boat, but with gold rooms instead ... I currently earn an easy 150 gold from those gold rooms every day, which means I already don't bother sitting around with the game open all the time like I used to in order to click on every single falling note in the hopes of gaining gold.

What to do?

I think the sane thing is to collect another Golden Cauldron ... 180 gold per day is not quite as drastic as M$791 million every single day in terms of continuing to play the game.

So that is it. 

I guess I will save up for another Golden Cauldron hopefully before this sale ends. I already have the one Mayan Calendar, so I won't be crying at having missed out on a great opportunity when the Mayan Calendar room disappears at the end of the "Limited Time" sale.

Of course, if the sale ends before I hit 1,400 gold, then I may change my mind and pick up another Mayan Calendar ... or perhaps not ... maybe a couple of Volcanoes would make more sense to accelerate my XP earnings instead.

Choices. The more choices I have, the more I fear making a choice in case I make the wrong one. But, as in life, a wrong choice is better than no choice at all. I guess if I miss out on the next Golden Cauldron, I will just pick one of the available rooms at random, depending on what I can afford at that point.

Mayan Calendar or Golden Treasure or Volcanoes ... and my heart leans towards Volcanoes just because it's so much fun to watch that volcano go "BOOM!"

What would you do?


  1. I bought a 10.00 train because it said it paid 8 gold every time it departed. You can send it to 10 Facebook friends, so I thought I would be getting 80 gold each time I sent it. It turns out it only gave me 18. Do you think it is a bug or am I doing something wrong? Also, how do you earn so much gold without buying anything with real money? Thanks

    1. You get one gold for the FIRST time you send to a friend on FB. So, the very first time you send your train, you'd get 8 gold for the departure, plus one gold for each friend you sent it to ... so that does add up to 8+10=18.

      But the next time you send it to those same 10 FB friends, you will only get the 8 gold for departure, because these are no longer "new" friends.

      The thing is, with a paid-for train (as opposed to the free one), you can send it out multiple times a day, so you can have say 30 FB friends, and that way, you'll get at least 18 x 3 = 52 for the first time you send to all 30 (assuming you send out 3 trains a day with 10 wagons each).

      Also, it looks like EA marks even already sent-to FB friends as brand new after a week or two, so it's not purely a one-time gold per FB friend.

  2. Oh, I wish I had your dilemmas! I finally just saved up enough to buy my very first Golden Cauldron, but I do have 13 Giant Snowflake rooms. Hmmm, if I were you, I would probably get one more Mayan Calendar since they are the *best* rooms available, plus they are limited time. Since you have 5 GCs, it won`t take you that long to save up to buy another one, probably the next time the 50% off sale rolls around. If you had only 1 or 2 GCs, then I would say buy the GC.

    1. The thing is, though, 791 million per 2 days already means there will be nothing left to buy after 2 or 3 weeks ... remember that we have a fixed number of hotels and a fixed number of rooms in each hotel.

      Even if I filled up every single hotel with the priciest room (the Golden Touch / King Midas room) at full price, that would be ... 19 hotels, with a maximum of 11 floor in each hotel, making 44 squares per hotel ... at 6 squares per Golden Touch room, I could squeeze in a maximum of 6 Golden Touch rooms per hotel, right? So 6 Golden Touch x 19 hotels = a maximum of 114 Golden Touch rooms in the whole game. Which, at full price (M$500,000,000 each, plus M$125,000,000 to build and another M$50,000,000 to paint) works out to M$675,000,000 total cost per Golden Touch, which means I could be done filling every single hotel with 6 of those pricey rooms in at most 114 x 2 days.

      Okay, that's most of a year.

      But remember, no one actually WANTS a Golden Touch room because they are such a bad return on investment.

      If instead, I filled up on Tiny Pilgrim Hat rooms (the other high-yielding M$ room right now), my money would go a LOT further and my hotels would fill up with those rooms and then there'd be nothing left to buy.

      Same argument as in the blog post above - I don't want to be sitting here going, "Whoops! This game is now completely boring!" ... buying another Mayan Calendar would definitely have me saying that about 50% faster than I predict doing that with just ONE Mayan Calendar. :)

    2. P.S.: With 13 Giant Snowflakes, you're likely to have exactly the same problem as I would ... you're now making more than a billion per day just from those 13 rooms. What are you going to spend all that M$ on?

  3. My issue is that I don't have many gold producing rooms, so my only choice at this point is Midas rooms. I currently have 14 or 15, and I plan to add 6 more as soon as Boardwalk has completed building. So, assuming I collect my GC room 3x per day, I will get about 50 gold per day. By the time the next 50% off Gold Producing rooms comes along, I hope to pick up more GC rooms.

    So, what to spend money on, right? I have at least 30 Tiny Pilgrim rooms, but they don't yield nearly as much as the 13 Snowflake rooms. I suppose my plan right now is to focus on filling up my guestbook and sticker albums.

    1. Now *that* actually makes sense - you've nailed a GREAT reason to pick up those Midas rooms - when you don't have gold-producing rooms but do have a TON of cash coming in every day, then the Midas rooms make perfect sense. Smart!

      Yeah, those Tiny Pilgrim Hat rooms just feel so lame compared to the Snowflake or the Winter Scarf or that lovely Mayan Calendar. I may have to reconsider the second Mayan Calendar now ... you're actually tempting me to carry out that strategy of buying a whole bunch of Midas rooms! :)

    2. I'm in the same boat as Monopo-Leigh - I don't have many gold producing rooms, but I have 4 Giant Snowflakes (picked up when they were glitch-offered for $19 million each) so I can pretty much buy any M$-priced rooms that I want. Therefore, I'm slowly packing my hotels with Midas rooms (4 so far). I also splurged on the $1.99 Commuter train and already have a couple Mine Cart rooms to help add to my meager gold input, but it's still going to take a while to build it up.

      I'm hoping we'll see a "Blue Properties" sticker with a 200 Gold reward before the 50% sale ends, because then I'll at least have enough to pick up a Golden Treasure room. If only I had enough for a Winter Scarf room - that Winter Wonderland sticker payout is amazing!

      In the meantime to keep the game from getting boring, I try to set little goals for myself - like having at least one of every type of M$-priced room active, or grouping together "theme rooms" - like "all redheads" (Thimble, Missile Silo, Coffee Shop, Torch, Purse, etc) or "helmet-wearers" (Rock Wall, Bicycle, Circus Cannon, Hockey Stick, etc). Hey - whatever works, right? lol :)

    3. LOL on putting all the redheads in the same hotel! :) But yeah, that sense of ennui is bound to creep up once you know you can afford pretty much any M$ room you want!

      I am just hoping they keep adding more hotels or at least more floors to the existing hotels ... otherwise, this game is going to pall pretty soon ... there would be no point adding more gold-producing rooms if there was no space to put any new rooms that I purchase with the produced gold!


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