Thursday 27 December 2012

Will we have an update today?

Technically, we should ... after all, it's Thursday, the day that EA usually provides updates.

However, because we have just had the 12 Days of Christmas promotion with daily updates, PLUS the bonus Christmas update, I'm wondering if EA will actually do an update today.

Especially considering that the Holiday Gift #3 sticker had Mr. Monopoly wishing us all a Happy New Year ...

Not to mention, I suspect most of their staff have taken the remainder of this week off for a mini-vacation - most software companies seem to do that around the holidays, at least in the U.S. and Canada.

What do you think?

I am hoping for no update, I'll admit, but that's because I selfishly want to buy a few more rooms while the half-price sale is on ...


  1. Well, it's already 5:15 and still no update so maybe we'll get lucky. I personally am loving my new found gold wealth, and I only have 1 GC room! I am frivolously spending on rooms I want (read: my kids want), without regard for payout. I just bought the Art, Viking and Wax Statue rooms for the Museum, and am hoping to pick up a Roman History room tomorrow if the sale is still on. In the past I would only get high yield rooms.

    So FemmeFlamme, do you focus on filling up your guestbook? Are you missing many, and is there any you just won't waste your time with?

    1. Funny you should mention that ... remember the last half-price sale on gold rooms? That was the week leading into American Thanksgiving.

      I had just built my 4th and 5th Golden Cauldron, and the preceding week I'd had a blast with the Go Wild! sale, building all those Museum rooms all over the place (I think I had sort of the same giddy feeling you're experiencing now: no restraint felt necessary, and I was buying every room that caught my eye).

      Well, the very next day (Black Friday, I remember sadly), I logged in to find I had all my hotels, but no rooms! At least I still had a hoard of both cash and gold, so I was able to get back in the game without too much delay, and the 12-days-of-christmas really helped me get my average gold and M$ earnings back up and then WAY beyond what I'd had a month ago.

      Rooms I won't buy? I don't know ... a lot of the rooms are not interesting in terms of payout, but still look good in my guest book or help me complete stickers. So no, there are no longer rooms I will avoid permanently. I'll just be buying them as and when I feel like it.

      I did take your advice yesterday and purchased a second Mayan Calendar rather than a sixth Golden Cauldron ... that really takes the pressure off in terms of chasing yet more rooms for either cash or gold payouts! Thanks for the hint to load up on Golden Touch rooms ... I'm building my very first one as we speak!

  2. I remember reading about your game crash! I felt so bad for you, and can't believe how you bounced back (and then some!) so quickly. It really shows how you need a stash of $$$ and gold, which I typically don't have.

    Having the 2 MC rooms and 5 GC rooms really means that you will now always have a steady stream of both cash and gold rolling in, and can probably get any room you choose. There are still many rooms out of my reach, that I can eventually aspire to. Til then, I will have to live vicariously through your blog!

  3. What can you do if you log in and the game is reset? Is it a wash and everything is lost? If so this a waste of time

    1. Sadly, the only thing in your control once that happens is the choice whether to rebuild or just to stop playing.

      Sorry to sound so negative about it, but, other than a few people who have received about a billion in M$ and 25,000 gold, almost everyone else has had the same story as myself: NO response from EA at all if you send them messages via their FaceBook page and a canned response from their support staff telling you to log out of Origin and log back in, then try deleting the game and re-installing it (that's if you email support from the website).

      Basically, EA's customer support totally sucks, no polite way to say it. They don't really seem to care at all that players are losing many, many man-hours invested in the game!


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