Thursday 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving to our American Friends!

It's that day again: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! to all our American friends, no matter where in the world they live!

It's a day when a lot of families will be eating turkey as part of the main Thanksgiving meal. And pumpkins.

We will just have to hope that Ben manages to escape that tree stump ...

"Ben who?", you ask?

"Ben HUR!"

Er, sorry, wrong story.

Well, you know: BEN! Our very own turkey from EA, of Monopoly Hotels' fame:

He hides pretty well behind that bush, though, so he's probably safe. 

He's doing a great job of being inconspicuous, don't you think? (Now, if only he'd lose that Tiny Pilgrim Hat he wears ...)

And of course, Scarecrow is keeping watch over the pumpkins - well, over any that are left after dessert ... typically a pumpkin pie. 

I would suspect that, other than Hallowe'en [everyone carves up pumpkins for their spooky decorations, right?] and Christmas [more pumpkin pie] and Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte, no one actually uses pumpkins in the USA. 

Well, no, I lie. 

I've had pumpkin-based dishes from many cultures and many cuisines, so I suspect pumpkins do get used quite a bit, even in America. But not as much as in the countries where people cook with them on a regular basis.

I have many fond memories of Thanksgiving dinners with my friends in the U.S. - those were some amazing times!

I have even more memories of the one time I made Thanksgiving dinner myself. 

You see, I made a huge turkey. 

And there weren't *that* many guests. 

Yep, I was eating turkey for days on end. 

Turkey curry. Turkey sandwiches. Turkey stir-fries. Turkeyed turkey. Turkey tagine. Turkey soup. And that's just the tip of that old turkey iceberg ...

I think I'll stick to watching Ben play hide-'n'- seek behind that big bush of his. And maybe I'll go earn myself that Incognito Turkey sticker today to join the celebrations!

Once again: Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!

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