Sunday 25 November 2012

Reconstruction efforts are under way

While I wait to see if EA responds to my message about losing all the rooms in my hotels in the Monopoly Hotels game, I've had a bit of hard work rebuilding what I can.

I was fortunate, really, because I had both enough M$ and gold on hand to be able to make a decent recovery. The first purchase I made was a Golden Cauldron as soon as I had enough gold (THANK YOU to all who sent me trains! It was exactly what put me in the position of buying my first Golden Cauldron in this emptied-out game!)

And fairly soon after that, some time yesterday, I managed to save up some more gold and bought a Harvest Pumpkin (thank goodness for the half-off sale on rooms you buy with gold).

Thanks to even more trains coming in and my tiny ability to send out ONE train a day, I also managed to rack up one more Golden Cauldron and one more Harvest Pumpkin (gold really is *much* easier to come by these days than it was when I first started playing this game back in July!)

Here's my newly-filled Mediterranean Avenue hotel:

The 3x1 room being built at the bottom is a Sweet Apple, the one being painted just above it is my first Harvest Pumpkin, above that is my second Golden Cauldron (Melchior is already hard at work in the first one, as you can see). And the final 2x1 room at the top is the second Harvest Pumpkin I'm working on.

The cash I had went to buying one Tiny Pilgrim Hat room, but there wasn't enough left to start building it, so it's still in ready-to-build mode, waiting the remaining 4 days or so until the first Harvest Pumpkin starts paying rent. Actually, since I am still M$50,000,000 from being able to start building, I guess it's likely to be closer to a week - I need at least 2 collections from the Harvest Pumpkin before I can begin building the Tiny Pilgrim Hat.

Here's what Baltic Avenue now looks like, with my very first new Tiny Pilgrim Hat awaiting the cash influx to start building:

The 4x1 room at the bottom in Baltic is my very first ever Gold Mine room ... decided that even if it's not a great producer, it still will at least look good in my Guest Book! And for the price ... meh, I have spent more than the 18 gold I spent for it just in accidentally clicking to finish building or painting a room a little faster!

The other being-built room is, of course, the obligatory-for-me Sweet Apple.

What I don't have are good XP-producing rooms. I did purchase a Sweet Apple room for each of my hotels, so there is some XP coming in every 3 days or so, but nowhere near what I'd have had with all my Volcanoes rooms in the previous incarnation of the game.

Oh well, it is what it is. I guess it will take me longer to get to level 44 and beyond.

Here is the current status quo on all my newly-filled hotels: basically, they are all filled with Thimbles, with one each of the Sweet Apple and the Golden Oaks rooms just because those two were so cheap to purchase.










As you can see, I now own all the properties except for Park Place ... and I really don't anticipate buying that one for a long, long time: I've got my hands full trying to make the current hotels produce good rent first!

The specialty properties (Vermont Aquarium, Tennessee Zoo and Vermont Museum) are currently all empty - I am not spending M$ or gold on low-yielding rooms right now, it simply doesn't make sense to splurge on unnecessary items. 

I know there's one school of thought that states that a low-yielding room is better than empty space ... I disagree, when I can spend that same money towards a higher paying, non-specialty room, it makes no sense to me to buy the specialty rooms in those properties. And I can't yet afford the few worthwhile special rooms: Neanderthal, Volcanoes, Golden Treasure ...

My average rent right now (about 500 Thimbles, and 16 Golden Oaks) is just over M$2,000,000 per day, and 60 guaranteed gold from the Golden Cauldrons, maybe a few more gold and M$ from the trains as they arrive and depart.

I am still hoping to purchase a couple more gold rooms before this current sale ends - it all depends, as you may guess, on the trains coming in, and on my ability to pluck more gold from falling Community Chest cards, as well as the 60 gold every day from the two Golden Cauldrons.

I anticipate that I should be able to purchase at least one more Harvest Pumpkin room, maybe also my first Volcanoes. If not quite enough for a Volcanoes, I'll probably settle for a couple of Neanderthals, maybe even my very first Barbell! 

I won't buy those yet, though - I'll keep saving up until Wednesday morning and decide based on what I've saved up whether to buy one or more Harvest Pumpkins, Volcanoes, or, if I have enough, yet another Golden Cauldron. 

By that time, the current Harvest Pumpkins will have started producing nice rents, so I should be able to build several more  Tiny Pilgrim Hats, or, if they disappear after this week (Thanksgiving is now over), then some Microphone rooms instead. 

My plan is to get back to the M$100,000,000+ daily income range by the end of this year. 

Wish me luck!

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