Saturday 17 November 2012

ALL-NEW Thanksgiving Rooms: the Tiny Pilgrim Hat Room and the Harvest Pumpkin Room are here!

In all the excitement about the GO WILD! sale, I might've forgotten to mention the arrival of two lovely new rooms: the Tiny Pilgrim Hat room (don't ask me what that means! - I have no clue what a tiny pilgrim's hat did to the turkey!) and the Harvest Pumpkin room (which, as I mentioned before, does remind me of Charles Schulz's Linus waiting devotedly for the Giant Pumpkin every Hallowe'en - more of a Hallowe'en theme to my mind than a Thanksgiving one!)

This ad, I have to say, is a little gruesome ... that poor turkey looks as though it know exactly the fate awaiting it if it gets any closer to that stump of wood - the chopping block, I presume?

But I digress. You really don't care about the ad, you want to know about the rooms!

Well, let's see: Both of these rooms are 2-square occupiers. Which means that whatever the yield is for the room, it's half that for each square.

The Tiny Pilgrim Hat room costs a LOT.  M$110,000,000, to be precise. Even more (10% more) than the Microphone room, which I'd pegged as the priciest ever, and almost as much as the Hockey Stick room that costs M$130,000,000.

For that much outlay, what do you get? You get to collect rent every 36 hours. To the tune of M$12,000,000 and 175,000 XP each time.

Which works out to M$166,666.667 per square per hour and 2430.56 XP per square per hour.

That actually beats out the Microphone room for cash (about 50k more per square per hour with the TPH room) and is a little bit less productive for XP than the Microphone room.

NICE! It's great to finally have something other than the Microphone room to aspire to! Thanks, EA!

And then, of course, we need to look at the other new room, the Harvest Pumpkin room. (I have to say, I giggle every time I look at the ad: that scarecrow/farmer guy is just so hilarious!).

Anyway, back to the job at hand: the Harvest Pumpkin room.

This one is actually reasonably priced. 


"Reasonably?" Really? At 450 gold? 

Yes, really. These days, with the easier-to-achieve stickers, and the trains where you can be sure of some gold every single day even if you do not catch a single falling gold-yielding Community Chest card, and the availability of gold-producing rooms ... well, I'd say everyone can aspire to save up 450 gold for a room. At least easier than saving up 2,000 gold for a Flute room, or 2,800 for a Boxing Gloves room!

Anyway. Yes, it costs 450 gold for the 2-square room. And it produces rent at the rate of M$24,000,000 and 210,000 XP every 36 hours.

Which works out to a fabulous M$333,333.33 and 2916.67 XP per square, per hour. 

That's nowhere near the output of a Flute room, agreed. Nor even close to that of a Boxing Gloves room. But for a room that costs SO much less gold to purchase, this one goes down a definite must-have in my book ... I can pick up 4 of these at full-price compared to a single Flute room at full price. 

Right now, my hotels are still mostly full of Top Hat rooms - I'd been slowly replacing them with "better" rooms, and I am pretty sure that the two new Thanksgiving rooms will be part of my new decor after the renovations are complete.

Okay, I'll admit it - I'd been saving up for my first Flute room and I no longer have nearly enough even for one at half-price: I bought the Harvest Pumpkin room and am impatiently waiting for it to be completed as I work towards saving up enough for that Flute room again.

The bottom line?

Both the new rooms are well worth investing in. The Harvest Pumpkin is more affordable than a Flute room, and yet yields a really nice return every day and a half, while the Tiny Pilgrim Hat is just an all-out winner.

A word of warning: given the recent trend at EA, I'd start saving up aggressively if you want these rooms - with such a seasonal theme, I wouldn't be surprised if these also became "Limited Time" rooms like the Hallowe'en rooms, and ultimately disappeared from the regular purchase list.

So you're going to be torn between buying these Thanksgiving rooms and stocking up on some Volcanoes rooms because of the fabulous XP yield on those. 

Well, you may not experience that dilemma. But I love XP, so it's a tough choice for me ...

1 comment:

  1. Most of my room are Top hat and Purse. Now I am trying to build alot of gold rooms and this Tiny Pilgram Hat Room to maximize my money and gold. =x


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