Wednesday 21 November 2012

A new hotel is released: Park Place is now here!

Oooh, I missed a couple of items in the update:

EA has finally (people have been begging for MONTHS now!) released a new hotel: Park Place.

It is, of course, pricey.

M$99,000,000 to be precise. And probably takes a few days to build.

And given that it's a new colour (Blue) ... I suppose that means that there will be at least two more properties at some time in the future with the same colour - and yet another sticker to collect for buying all 3.

I am still sloooooowly replacing my Top Hat rooms with better rooms, so I am in no hurry to buy this hotel myself.

But it's here for those who have already filled all their existing hotels with high-end rooms and really needed more real estate. 

Go wild! :) (Yes, I like bad puns - the GO WILD sale is now finished, over, kaput, GONE!)


  1. I don't think there's going to be two more hotels. The only hotel left is Boardwalk...

    1. Dang! You are correct! Shows how long it's been since I played Monopoly - the original game, I mean.

      Maybe they'll put in the Waterworks or some other railroads instead? I was just analysing based on the current 3-properties-per-colour sticker scheme. It'll be interesting to see how EA designs this.


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