Tuesday 16 October 2012

Half-price gold rooms sale is still on!

At least, it was still on when I last checked, mid-afternoon today.

Now I'm getting pretty stoked ... I've finally saved up 994 gold bars. 

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to come up with the remaining 6 gold bars by the time the sale ends - usually some time Thursday, if the past few weeks are any indication.

I do have a Golden Goose room, so even if I don't collect gold from any falling Community Chest cards, I should still be able to collect the remaining 6.

To hedge my bets, I've also been building a few rooms I'd ignored so far because they are not high-yielding rooms. But now that we get a gold bar for updating Facebook when we add new guests to our Guest Book ... well, it was a no-brainer, and it only hurt when I started adding the rooms that cost up to or close to a million and paid out just a few tens of thousands per day or whatever.

Here's what I mean:

Oh, well, I've no intention of keeping those low-paying rooms - they are simply a means to an end: the end being me having 1,000 gold bars, so that I can buy my first Golden Cauldron room.

Yes, I'm aiming at the Golden Cauldron instead of the Flute room, despite my real lust for one of those Flute rooms ... it's just that, at half price, it makes SO much sense to pick up a room that will give me 30 gold every single day, helping me rack up my next 1,000 that much faster, and thereby helping me to grab not one, but hopefully multiple Flute rooms over time.

Too bad you can't actually exchange gold for M$: I'd have been quite happy to trade some of the gold produced by the Golden Cauldron for some other high-value rooms, like the Microphone room ...

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