Thursday 18 October 2012

Golden DEAL! 30% off Rooms that produce Gold!

In my advance notice review of the new Hallowe'en-themed rooms, I mentioned that gold rooms were 30% off.

Well, I was wrong.

It's not all gold rooms, only the gold-producing rooms, that are 30% off:

I guess that means I won't be buying that first Flute room any time soon, because it's simply too expensive at full price! But I may save up for a second Golden Cauldron, which, in turn should shorten the time I have to wait for a Flute room!

(Oh, anyone notice that the Golden Mine Cart room got renamed? It's now called the Gold Mine room - I have to admit, I like the new name better, it fits in with the general theme of gold-lust!)

And, of course, the Golden Treasure room in the Aquarium is also on sale right now:

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