Monday 6 August 2012

Yes, the hotels were on sale!

So, to respond to my own previous post ... yes, indeed, the hotels were on sale this past weekend.

If you read closely, Electronic Arts claims that it's "THIS WEEKEND ONLY".

However, they obviously have a different meaning for weekend than I do.

I've just been scrolling through the properties I do not yet own, and I still see prices that are way lower than I'm used to seeing them.

For example, Pennsylvania Avenue usually costs M$40,000,000.



So, the sale is on for a couple more days, maybe?

Which ticks me off a tiny bit. Is it because August 6th happens to be a holiday in Canada? I know it's NOT a holiday in the U.S.

And why, you ask, should it matter to me?

Well, because I was planning to save up as MUCH dough as I possibly could to buy the most expensive hotel I could afford.

By 11 p.m. last night, all I'd managed was M$1,200,000.

Not even enough to buy Kentucky Avenue:

So, I used what I'd saved up, and bought this one instead:

And then proceeded to fill it with rooms, using up ALL I'd managed to save.


It does give me more income (especially because I saved up a bit more and then splurged on ONE square, putting in a "Purse Room" ... that room is PRICEY. Costs M$180,000 just to purchase the room, then another M$90,000 to build it, and finally M$36,000 to paint it, ready for occupancy.

And why, you ask, puzzled, would anyone want to spend more than M$300,000 on a single room??


Because it pays out pretty nicely at M$16,667 every 24 hours. Yes, it'll take a while to break even on that one room (about 3 weeks, I estimate). But after that? It's all gravy.

However, I digress.

When I checked just now and saw that all the hotels are still 30% off, I realised I'd have been smarter (and got more bang for my buck) if I'd waited and saved that moolah for a pricier hotel.

Oh, well.

What's done is done. And I can't really say I regret it.

Life goes on.

Monopoly Hotels keeps me entertained. More than it should ....

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