Tuesday 14 August 2012

Hotels are STILL on sale! 30% off!

Well, I don't know if they are "still on sale".

I do know they are the same price as they were last week, when the in-app advert claimed that the price was only good for that weekend.

However, the prices have NOT gone back to the previous values, so maybe these are the new "normal" prices. Good of Electronic Arts to realise the prices might have been a bit steep, especially for newbies like me ... how on earth were we going to get to those high numbers before we got bored and stopped playing?

For those, like me, who downloaded the game prior to the advert, it still feels like a giant sale.

Pennsylvania Avenue, the most expensive dollar-price purchase is still M$28,000,000 - the old "normal" price was M$40,000,000.

I am diligently filling my smaller, cheaper hotels with TopHat rooms to get the best bang (and time to ROI) on my buck.

 At present, I am averaging about M$220,000 every 6 hours or so ... yes, I have a few Golden Oak rooms (I just like the payout on those) and a few Sweet Apple rooms ... that's for the experience points, of course. I will take 200,000 experience points any day. In fact, I've built one in each of my hotels, just for those experience points.

At lower levels of the game, you'll find those experience points shoot you up multiple levels at one go. But as you get higher in the game (I'm at level 25 right now), you'll notice that you need more and more experience points just to move up to the next level (and unlock new rooms and new sticker collections).

Level 25, for example requires almost a million experience points before you can graduate to level 26.

I'm working on it.


Update, August 21st:

Well, the last time Electronic Arts updated the game, the hotels went back to the higher prices. I guess I just lucked out in having the cheaper price for a while longer than advertised!

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